Hello, JavaScript!

29 Aug 2021

Java vs. Javascript

Java was the first computer language that I learned when I attend to ICS course. Frankly, I thought Java and Javascript are very similar (or the same) programming languages until I enrolled in ICS314. Therefore, I thought learning Javascript will be comfortable and not difficult at all. The basic structures of Javascript and working with an array, objects, functions, loops, and if/else statements were not a new concept, but ECMAScript was brand new material that I did not encounter before. The features such as let, arrow function in Javascript, promises, using console.log were very new to me, and I was glad to learn the difference between those two languages. Furthermore, the features of object orientation Java and Javascript are also remarkably different from each other. Now I do not think Java and Javascript are the same programming language.

Is Javascript not a good programming langauge?

Some people say Javascript is not a good programming language. However, I think that Javascript is a good programming language from a software engineering perspective. It is because Javascript makes people easy to adopt a new version of the Javascript language through transpilation and polyfill. There will be numerous advantages when a programmer can adopt new features of the language. Also, Javascript treats function as first class. The first class function means the function can be assigned to other variables, stored in a data structure, and return functions as values. It is a dynamic and powerful feature of Javascript that makes programmers implement the code more conveniently. These are the reasons why I think Javascript is a good programming language.


In my ICS314 class, we suppose to do WODs(workout of the day) as a group and as an individual. We have to set up the timer and work on the code within the prescribed time. This style of learning is also a new strategy to me, and I can see that it involves critical thinking. It is because I have to prepare for the WODs every week, and it makes me think about how to tackle the problem. It tests my programming skills, but also how to use time intelligently. I do enjoy WODs, but it is stressful at the same time. However, I am certainly aware that this strategy will develop my programming skills more powerful.