Starting from the 2020 Spring, my most and desire goal in my life is getting a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I chose to pursue a Computer Science major because I was the person who loved being on a computer. I used the computer for my education and also used it to play games. I eventually thought it would be great to learn how a computer works in detail. Also, I was eager to learn how to program the materials that I usually use.
Unfortunately, I thought Computer Science would be easier for me because I grew up with it. This thought immediately faded away when I attended the ICS211 course because I had to spend a tremendous amount of time on assignments. However, it was entertaining because I was able to learn how to code the program. Furthermore, I have learned significant materials such as Javascript, algorithms, data structures, implementations, and more.
Now it is 2021 Fall. These days I am attending algorithm and soft engineering courses, and the quality of education even got harder. I could feel I have to put more effort than before, but this also implies that I can learn much more. There will be enormous projects and tasks that I have to accomplish, but this will guide me to understand the idea of programming in-depth. I am glad that I can study more about computer science before getting a job in this field.